The United States of America is a melting pot of cultures, ethnicities, and traditions. Home to internationally known people, places, and corporations, the US gross domestic product represents 24.08% of the world’s GDP.
Almost as large as Europe, the U.S. borders Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The Atlantic Ocean is the country's eastern edge; the Pacific Ocean is the western border
America is known for more than having the world's largest economy and international brands. The coast-to-coast landscape includes snow-capped mountains, stunning desserts, iconic skylines, sprawling prairies, and welcoming small towns.
Travelers and homebodies worldwide know America's famous cities, athletes, historical figures, musicians, and film stars. U.S. politics, corporations, food, and architecture are popular conversation topics across the globe.
America's stock market is the largest capitalized exchange in the world, fueled in part by the U.S. being home to more Fortune 500 companies than any other country. The World Bank classifies the United States as a high-income economy with the following trade agreements and alliances:
Few states require written contracts
No minimum terms and typically include
6 - 12 months
Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly
Salaries by Role
Health Insurance
Paid leave
Vacation/PTO days
Sick Days
Additional Leave
Additional Benefits
The United States celebrates 10 annual national (public) holidays and various celebrations, all based on the Gregorian calendar. Americans of different heritages also celebrate some holidays according to the Lunar calendar.
Federal holidays include: